MK Shelly Yechimovich, head of the Labor party, said Thursday that her party will save the coalition if it begins to fall apart due to diplomatic negotiations. Yechimovich has previously declared that Labor will definitely not join the government due to irreconcilable differences between its platform and that of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud party. However, she explained Thursday, she would make an exception if the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party was planning to topple Netanyahu’s government in protest of planned concessions to the Palestinian Authority. Labor would step in to save the government even if Netanyahu was negotiating for a temporary settlement rather than a permanent agreement, she said, speaking during a ceremony in honor of deceased minister Yigal Alon. Yechimovich added that she believes the odds of Netanyahu agreeing to significant concessions that would push his coalition partners out are slim. Netanyahu has not yet formed a coalition, but has already been joined by Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua party and is in talks with Bayit Yehudi and Yesh Atid.