Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu indicated on Wednesday, at his press conference with President Barack Obama , that Israel is "fully committed" to resolving the decades-long conflict with the Arabs with a solution which involves two states for two peoples. During the joint news conference, Netanyahu said the U.S. president's historic visit presented "an opportunity to try and find a way to advance peace" with the Palestinian Authority. "My new government was sworn in two days ago. I know there have been questions regarding what the policy of the new government will be towards peace with the Palestinians,” said Netanyahu. “So let me be clear: Israel remains fully committed to peace and to the solution of two states for two peoples," he said, in what was the first time he has publicly used the term since the January elections. "I hope that your visit, along with the visit of Secretary of State Kerry will help us turn a page in our relations with the Palestinians," Netanyahu told Obama. On Thursday, Obama will travel to Ramallah for talks with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Obama has said his trip to the region was intended "to listen" but has made clear he will warn Abbas that unilateral initiatives like seeking statehood recognition at the United Nations are counterproductive. Kerry is expected to travel with Obama to Jordan on Friday but return to Israel on Saturday evening "to review the results of the president's visit following his stops in Ramallah and Amman," a State Department official told AFP on Wednesday.