Only in Israel: a new app for android phones lets drivers know if they are about to drive into a mob of Arabs armed with firebombs and rocks. Such ambushes have killed and maimed many Israelis over the years, including a baby girl, Adelle Biton, who has been barely clinging to life in the Schneider Children's Hospital since last month. As reported exclusively on the Tamar Yonah Show , The app was invented by a person who prefers to be identified only by the name Elad, and is being offered for free. To download the mp3 right-click here . It may not work for iPhones. The app will warn you if you are driving towards an Arab mob, a rock attack, Molotov cocktail attack, etc. It is based upon real-time reporting of security incidents by drivers. It will also let you know if you are driving into the Palestinian Authority by mistake, a problem with GPS systems that are not geared to Israel and advise the shortest route between two places which may mean going through a PA area. Click here for more details and how to download it. You can download the app from the Google Play (store) and do a search in Hebrew for: השטחים