The United States has apologized for leaking information about Israel's alleged attack on a convoy of weapons in Syria bound for Hizbullah terrorists several weeks ago. According to reports, the “leak” about the U.S. leak came from an Israel Radio correspondent, who listed details of the leak, and the apology. The tweet came from Israel Radio’s diplomatic correspondent Chico Menashe. In his tweet, Menashe wrote “The U.S. has apologized to Israel for leaking details of the attack in Syria. Senior administration officials said to their [Israeli] counterparts that they are examining the issue and that low-level [officials] were responsible for the leak.” In addition, Menashe tweeted, “US officials told that they [will] review the matter. The leak forced Assad to react harshly.” According to Pentagon sources, the tweets by Menashe were true, and the U.S. has apologized to Israel for the leak, which could have put Israeli lives in danger. The sources said that the Pentagon was investigating the matter. Israell has still not confirmed that it was involved in the attack.