The National Council of Young Israel teamed with Agri Star Meat & Poultry LLC and the Masbia organization to facilitate the delivery of 20,000 pounds of food to tornado victims in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In the aftermath of the tornado that tore apart families, leveled neighborhoods and devastated entire communities, there is a dire need for relief and supplies, including fresh food. Upon recognizing the need for food for the victims, Agri Star Meat & Poultry quickly made arrangements to prepare 20,000 pounds of food for delivery to the Chabad Community Center for Jewish Life and Learning in Oklahoma City, OK. The Chabad Community Center will arrange to distribute the food to the communities in Oklahoma in need of assistance. Masbia, which provides food relief services in New York City, assumed the responsibility of raising the funds necessary to pay for the food to be trucked from the Agri Star facility in Postville, Iowa to Oklahoma. Upon learning of the need for funds, the National Council of Young Israel, which worked together with Masbia in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, immediately offered to cover the shipping costs so the food could get to Oklahoma as soon as possible. New York State Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder, whose district was one of the hardest hit areas during Hurricane Sandy, traveled to Oklahoma to offer his assistance to the victims of the tornado. Assemblyman Goldfeder, who worked closely with the National Council of Young Israel after Hurricane Sandy, will work together with the Chabad Community Center and personally supervise the transfer of the food to those in need. "The tornado that swept through the Oklahoma City area created a situation whereby people suddenly found themselves without even the basic necessities of daily living," said Chaim Leibtag, Chief Operating Officer of the National Council of Young Israel. "After many of us struggled to cope in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, we know first-hand how critical it is to ensure that people get the relief they need as quickly as possible. The National Council of Young Israel is pleased to have had the opportunity to play a role in helping the countless people whose lives were turned upside down by the deadly tornado." "When given the opportunity to help those in desperate need of assistance, the National Council of Young Israel immediately answered the call," said Farley Weiss, President of the National Council of Young Israel. "As the people of Oklahoma begin picking up the pieces and contemplate rebuilding their homes and communities, we understand how vital it is that they get the support and relief that they need." "Food is most essential to victims of disaster," said Alexander Rappaport, the founder of Masbia. "Food cannot bring back any loses, but it helps them keep it together. We found during our on the ground Sandy relief work, the victims need food, the first-responders need food, the volunteers need food. You never can forget the smile on their faces when you arrive with food." "Our hearts pour out to families in Oklahoma," said Yaakov Labowitz, VP of Sales, Agri Star Meat & Poultry, LLC. "We recognize that in times of crisis, neighbor helping neighbor, often provides the most comfort, and a solid foundation for rebuilding. We have therefore partnered with the local Chabad Community Center to insure that a warm meal is available to those in need...that families have one less concern, as they set about recovery."