Summer is approaching and Arab arson season in Jerusalem is off to a scorching start. According to Yisrael Hayom , the hottest locations for nationalistically-motivated arson by Israeli-Arabs are the ironically-named “Peace Forest” near Armon Hanatziv Promenade in southern Jerusalem, and the area around Ofrit Base on Mount Scopus in northeastern Jerusalem. Sometimes, the firemen are also pelted with rocks when they arrive on the scene to put out the fire. On Mount Scopus, Jerusalem firefighters have had to put out 15 fires near the village of Issawiya since May began. Another 13 fires were set at the Peace Forest, near Jabel Mukabar and Abu Tor. Three of these fires were set on the same day. This makes for an average of a fire every 24 hours. All of the fires were intentionally set, according to the fire investigators. Yisrael Hayom said that fires have also been breaking out between Pisgat Ze'ev and the Arab village of Anata, and that these have been traced to firebombs that were thrown by local Arabs. Police and JNF authorities are reportedly using ambushes, informants and other means to locate the people responsible for the arson. Most are youths.