Bayit Yehudi head, Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, said Monday that the idea of establishing a Palestinian state has reached a dead end and should be forsaken. "Never in the history of Israel has so much energy been invested in something so pointless,” Bennett said at a conference on the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria and their depiction in the media. Regarding the idea of a Palestinian state, he said, "We need to go from a situation in which we try to convince people that it is a bad idea, to one in which this idea is behind us. Anyone who travels around Judea and Samaria knows that what they say in the hallways of Oslo and Annapolis is detached from reality.” "There are 400,000 Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria, and another 250,000 in eastern Jerusalem,” he noted. “More than 10% of the residents of Israel live in what is called the Green Line. The attempt to establish a Palestinian state inside our land is over.” The nation needs to keep on “building and building and building” in the Land of Israel, Bennett said. “It is important that there be a Jewish presence everywhere.” “Our main problem is still the fact that Israel's leaders are not prepared to say simply, that the Land of Israel belongs to the nation of Israel,” he explained. “We need to tell ourselves and the entire world that this land has been ours for 3,000 years.”