Speaking in the Knesset as a guest of left-wing MKs, a former terrorist threatened Israel with “a very crude war” with many casualties if there is no “diplomatic process.” Ashraf al-Ajrami, formerly Minister for Prisonersin the Palestinian Authoriy (PA), was the guest of Labor party MK Moshe Mizrachi. Al Ajrami served 12 years in Israeli jails for terrorist activity. "We will go for a very crude war and both nations will pay a very heavy price, and in the end they will opt for the diplomatic process,” he said, speaking in the Knesset's Jerusalem Auditorium, where he was flanked by MKs Yitzhak Herzog (Labor) and Zehava Galon (Meretz). "I think that the Palestinian Authority has no alternative but to go back to the United Nations,” he said, without detailing what such a unilateral bid would entail. "If there is no diplomatic process, we will go for a confrontation and we will go for violence,” he threatened. "The Israeli right thinks that with time, the Palestinians are forgetting the '67 borders and will settle for Areas A and B,” he said, in a reference to areas of Judea and Samaria that are under various degrees of PA control. “I want to tell you that there is not one Palestinian in the world who will concede even one centimeter from the '67 borders. The alternative is one state," he added. Al Ajrami said that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is supposed to give the PA an answer regarding its demand for a two state deal based upon the 1949 armistice borders. “To this day, we have not received an answer,” he said. The conference's organizers wanted Al Ajrami and another gest, Ramallah based pollster Dr. Halil Shkaki, VIP guest status, but the two underwent all of the regular security checks nonetheless. They also wanted to invite senior Fatah member Jibril Rajoub, but the Shin Bet refused to allow him into the Knesset.