Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu may face resistance to new concessions to the Palestinian Authority not only from his coalition partners in the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) faction, but from within his own party. Several Likud members have announced that they are preparing in case of new developments in Israel-PA talks. MKs in the Likud’s “nationalist camp” issued a statement saying that “various moves” are taking shape in response to the negotiations “with the Arabs from Judea and Samaria.” The language used in the statement strongly hinted at the warnings that critics of the negotiations have voiced over the fact that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas controls only Judea and Samaria, and not Gaza, which is home to over 40% of the PA Arab population. Likud MKs Zev Elkin, Ofir Akunis, Danny Danon, Tzipi Hotovely and Yariv Levin recently met to prepare for “future diplomatic developments,” the nationalist camp statement reported. “We are sure that these five are not alone, and that there are other things happening within the [Likud] movement,” the statement added. Last week Elkin visited the Jewish community of Sao Paulo. He spoke about the ongoing Israel-PA talks and stressed that a solution to the conflict can be found only through negotiations, and not through one-sided moves.