Rumors are that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is planning a second “Bar Ilan Speech,” in which he will lay out Israel's “red lines” and reiterate his willingness to allow the establishment of a Palestinian Authority-run state in Judea and Samaria. Bayit Yehudi, a member of Netanyahu's government, is having none of it, saying that Netanyahu could say what he wants in such a speech, but that if his new speech was like the first Bar Ilan speech, they would continue to oppose the principles the Prime Minister stands for. A report in Ma'ariv Monday said that Netanyahu was planning to offer the Palestinian Authority a temporary deal, in which Israel would surrender more land to the PA. The offer would be Israel's response to PA demands that Israel withdraw from all of Judea and Samaria, and most of Jerusalem. Netanyahu is likely to offer the PA nearly all the land outside the large settlement blocs, withdrawing IDF troops from many areas where Jews live, especially in the Binyamin area. Netanyahu's office has denied that such a speech is in the works - a nd that would be a positive thing, Bayit Yehudi said in a statement. “Israel has not yet corrected the errors from the first Bar Ilan speech,” in which Netanyahu said that Israel would agree to the establishment of a PA state, the party said. “That speech brought us only international pressure, isolation, and boycotts. The last thing we need is another 'Bar Ilan' speech. “During these times, when the Middle East is being rocked by war, the deaths of children with chemical weapons, and dictators that are being deposed, Israel must finally understand and accept that a Palestinian state will do nothing but bring more terror and mourning to Israelis,” Bayit Yehudi said, adding “we will continue to be the only party in the government that opposes withdrawals and sees the Zionist future as one of building, development, and settlement. We hope there will be no additional Bar Ilan-type speeches.”