If Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon does not follow through with his threat and resigns, he will be fired, sources close to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday evening. The comments came after Danon, who met with bereaved mothers earlier Wednesday, said he would resign unless the fourth tranche of the release of terrorist murderers is cancelled. "In the last few weeks,” said Danon, “the mask has been removed from the face of Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas], and it Is clear that nothing will come of the negotiations. I will not sit in a government that releases terrorists in exchange for Tzipi Livni's fantasies,” he declared. “There is a limit to how much we can pay like suckers, in return for the smiles of Livni and Erekat.” "Despite my opposition in the past,” Danon explained, “we released terrorists in exchange for sitting around the negotiating table, in the hope that this would lead to Palestinian concessions. But the Palestinians have us wrapped around their little finger and are proud of it. They take advantage of our sincere desire for peace, while uttering threats of boycotts, in order to release terrorists from jail. I will stop assisting this.” Responding to Danon’s threats, sources close to Netanyahu told Channel 2 News that “enough was enough”. "We're tired of his cheap politics,” they said, adding, “You do not threaten the prime minister. Danon is threatening to resign because he has already received information about the letter of dismissal that the prime minister is preparing for him." Danon's associates, unfazed by Netanyahu’s threats, said in response, "This is not the first time that we have been threatened with dismissal over the past year.”