The identities of the two ten-year-old girls who tragically drowned to death on Tuesday right before Shavuot were released for publication on Thursday. The two are Coral Sherry of Yehud, located east of Tel Aviv, and Or Koren of Savyon, a wealthy suburb of Tel Aviv.
The two drowned in a private home swimming pool in Savyon; Coral was to be buried at the Yehud cemetery on Thursday at 4 p.m.
"She loved nature, she loved green in her soul," said Ilan, Coral's father, to IDF Radio (Galei Tzahal). "The other girl was pretty and charming like my Coral."
Ilan added "the two were cut off in the peak of their bloom. Someone wise told me I have 50 years to miss her."
Autopsies are to be held on the two girls on Thursday at the L. Greenberg Institute of Forensic Medicine, located in the Abu Kabir neighborhood of Tel Aviv, in an attempt to determine the cause of their deaths.
According to initial assessments, the deaths were caused either by an electric short-circuit in the cleaning robot that was in the pool at the time, or by poisoning from some sort of disinfectant material in the water.
Security cameras in the home will also be checked as part of the investigation. An initial check of the footage revealed the girls playing in the water until a certain point, when they mysteriously stopped moving and responding.