In an emergency session of the UN's Human Rights Council Wednesday, Israel came under attack from UNHRC head Navi Pillay for possible “war crimes,” and from dictatorial regimes including Iran (which denounced Israel for alleged “state terror”), Syria (which said Israel harbored “a racist and criminal mentality”), Venezuela (which spoke of “attempts to exterminate the Palestinian people”) Algeria and Sudan (both of which said Israel was engaged in “massacres and genocide”). UN Watch's Hillel Neuer, a staunch defender of Israel against UN bias, told those assembled that all of Israel is under “brutal and relentless” attack. “Never before in the history of Israel's seven decades of existence have its men women and children come under such a massive aerial assault,” said Neuer, “and never before in the history of nations has a free society come under such a sustaimned bombardment from a terrorist organization.” He was interrupted by the representatives of Iran, Syria, Egypt, "Palestine," Cuba and Venezuela, who tried to silence him, but was defended by the U.S., Canada and Israel.