Signing the petition
Signing the petitionIm Tirtzu
Hundreds of residents of the southern town of Sderot have signed complaint forms against terror group Hamas, to be sent to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.

Volunteers and representatives of grassroots Zionist movement Im Tirtzu went to the open air market in Sderot Tuesday to help residents fill in complaint forms against Hamas and Qatar, Hamas’ main financial sponsor.  

In addition, about 46.000 people from more than 80 countries have signed a petition that calls on UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon to put Hamas leaders on trial for war crimes. This petition, at, was initiated by, which started a similar petition to the UN in 2009, following Operation Cast Lead. That petition reached 90,000 signatures. This time, together with Im Tirtzu, TakeapenGlobal aims at one million signatures.
The initiative comes in response to the establishment of the Schabas Commission that will investigate the Israel Defense Forces' actions during Operation Protective Edge. This investigative committee will likely resemble the Goldstone Commission that stated Israel and the IDF overstepped international law during Operation Cast Lead.
Hundreds of Sderot residents stopped at the market stand to sign complaint forms charging the terrorist organization Hamas with war crimes.  Among the complaintants were citizens whose homes were damaged by rockets, parents whose children suffer from anxiety, civilians who were physically or mentally injured, and those who suffered property damage due to rocket fire.
After filling in the form a Sderot resident, married with 11 children, said: “In 2006 we were watching a soccer game in the living room and a Kassam landed in the middle of our house. It injured my heart, my shoulder, and my legs. I filed a complaint against Hamas for what happened to us. The UN should come to Sderot to see how we live here instead of sitting around in New York.”
Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu, said: “Yesterday an international committee was announced in the UN to investigate allegations of Israel’s war crimes. The real war crimes were committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians.  The committee should not prosecute Israeli soldiers who acted to minimize harm to the civilian population and often canceled operations to avoid undue harm.  We came to the people of the south to help them ensure that the leaders of Hamas and their financial backers will be put on trial.”