Israel's declaration on Sunday of 4,000 dunams of unoccupied and unclaimed land in Judea as state land has brought harsh criticism from the US, the UN and other world powers, as well as from the Israeli far-left.
Writing in his weekly Arutz Sheva column, nationalist Dr. Aryeh Bacharach of the Almagor terror victims organization admitted he found himself surprisingly agreeing with the outpouring of condemnation.
"This act does not go together with (Prime Minister Binyamin) Netnayahu's declaration of his messianic vision of two states for two peoples," noted the doctor sarcastically.
When it comes down to it, Bacharach's opposition to the declaration stems from a frustration over empty building promises that are providing deceitful cover for a covert construction freeze in Judea and Samaria.
"I'm tired of Bibi's well-timed performance and his declarations on building over the 'green line,' and I'm sick of the campaign of denunciations, which is also well-timed," said the doctor, using Netanyahu's nick-name.
"If we were only to count up the number of construction declarations made by Bibi in the E1 area next to Ma'ale Adumim, where there's a huge area that other than some Bedouin settlements is completely empty," added Bacharach, noting on an area immediately east of Jerusalem that has been illegal built on by Bedouin.
The answer to the situation, according to Bacharach, is to adopt the 2012 Levy report which proved how Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria is completely legal under international law.
"This would be a meaningful and appropriate process that would finally put on the table talks about the core issue: there's no occupied territory and there's no Palestinian nation," stated Bacharach.
If Netanyahu were to finally adopt the commissioned report, Bacharach opined he would be able to retract his "wretched" 2009 Bar Ilan speech in which he stated his commitment to establishing a demilitarized Palestinian state.
"After his position is clarified in a way that is not two-faced, we can build in peace on all parts of our homeland, without claims and the chorus from all types of Israel 'lovers' like (US President Barack) Obama and others who pick away at us," concluded the doctor.