Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, after meeting French President Francois Hollande last Friday, claimed a peace agreement between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas would help the "struggle against terror." Following the meeting, in which Abbas convinced Hollande to turn to the UN to pressure Israel, the PA chairman neglected to explain how exactly a long-term truce agreement with a terrorist organization would work "against" terrorism. Perhaps explaining the conundrum is the fact that PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat has said in the name of Abbas in numerous interviews that his organization does not view Hamas as a terrorist organization. However, another senior Fatah official, Tawfiq Tirawi, recently compared Hamas with the terrorist organization Islamic State (ISIS) following Hamas executions in Gaza of Fatah members. It is worth noting that Abbas's Fatah faction sealed a unity deal with Hamas in April, torpedoing the peace talks with Israel, and that the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) under Abbas has agreed to include Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives in its government. That unity deal has been rocky at best, with Abbas just recently threatening to end his partnership with Hamas in the wake of a foiled coup attempt by the Gaza terror group against Abbas in Judea and Samaria. Fatah itself has recently bragged of taking part of Gaza's recent terror war on Israel, and s enior officials of the movement have recently said they reached a "political decision" to support Arab terrorists " slaughtering" Jews living in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, calling for a full return to terrorism , and declaring "open war " on the Jewish state. Continued truce talks in Cairo are set to begin this week ahead of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) on Wednesday; Hamas has already repeatedly rejected the lone demand of Israel, namely the disarmament of Gaza. Nevertheless at least one Israeli MK, far-left Meretz chairperson Zehava Galon, appears to be a proponent of Abbas's line of thinking; several days ago the MK told Voice of I srael public radio that "there is no doubt that the solution to ISIS is to reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians."