The organs of Lee Hasin, 19, of Pardes Hana in north-central Israel, saved six people over the Sukkot holiday. Hasin died several days ago after a tumor spread through his brain. He had been serving in the Artillery Corps and had received an award for excellence . However, in the course of his service he suddenly experienced a loss of balance, as well as memory loss. His commanders did not understand that he was ill and punished him by confining him to the base for a long period of time – until it turned out that he had a benign, but huge, tumor in his head. It was too late to save him by then and his death was determined a few days later. Lee's family agreed to donate his organs, saving six people: in Petah Tikvah's Beilinson Hospital, Lee's heart was transplanted into a 55-year-old man. Both of his lungs were donated to a 54-year-old man, and his liver was given to a woman in her 50s. In Schneider Hospital, a lobe of his liver was placed inside a five-year-old boy who suffered from a congenital disease that caused liver failure. In addition, one of his kidneys was transplanted in an 18-year-old girl. His other kidney was transplanted in a 45-year-old woman at Rambam Hospital in Haifa.