Last week, Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Iranian Human Rights, issued a scathing report on the state of human rights inside of the Islamic Republic Of Iran. This is the same Islamic Republic of Iran that P5+1 and US President Barack Obama are actively negotiating with concerning Iran’s “break-out” ability to build nuclear bombs. The report listed some of the gross human rights abuses inside of Iran by the government of the Islamic Republic. Some of the highlights of those violations are: 1. A projected record number of executions where ethnic minority groups “appear to be disproportionately charged with moharebeh [“enmity against God” – ed.] and mofsed fel-arz [“corruption on Earth” – ed.], sometimes seemingly for exercising their rights to peaceful expression and association.” 2. On independence of judges and fair trials, “a parliamentarian from Tehran...underscored that ‘we have witnessed the security apparatus, from the position of strength, putting the judge under pressure to steer the trial in the direction that they want.’” 3. “Continuing reports regarding the use of psychological and physical torture to solicit confessions indicate the widespread and systematic use of such practices.” 4. “Some 66% of Iranian women have reportedly experienced domestic violence...for example, laws continue to explicitly allow for non-consensual sexual relations in marriage. There are insufficient safe houses for women in need of refuge.” 5. “A bill on the activities of political parties was made publicly available on January 8, 2014. It prohibits parties from activities until they obtain two permits.” 6. “The legal age of marriage for girls in the country is 13 years, but girls as young as 9 years of age may be married with permission from a court. . . . At least 48,580 girls between 10 and 14 years of age were married in 2011, 48,567 of whom were reported to have had at least one child before they reached 15 years of age.” 7. “The Government accepted nine recommendations regarding religious progress in this regard has been observed, however.” Juvenile executions still allowed The UN Report notes that in 2010, the government of Iran accepted three recommendations relating to the death penalty: to reconsider the inclusion of apostasy, witchcraft and heresy as capital offenses; to consider the abolition of juvenile execution; and to respect the minimum standards and provisions set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child concerning the death penalty. The new Islamic Penal Code that entered into force in 2013 “now omits references to apostasy, witchcraft and heresy, but continues to allow for juvenile executions and retains the death penalty for activities that do not constitute 'most serious crimes' in line with the safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty,” the report says. These include “adultery, recidivist alcohol use, drug possession and trafficking and some crimes resulting in convictions for moharebeh," commonly translated as “enmity against God,” but translated by the Government as a crime in which “a person brandishes or points a weapon at members of the public to kill, frighten and coerce them." It also includes convictions for "mofsed fel-arz (corruption on Earth)." Regarding torture, the UN document cites “continuing reports regarding the use of psychological and physical torture to solicit confessions indicate the widespread and systematic use of such practices." "Of the 24 Iranian refugees in Turkey who provided testimony for the present report, 20 reported torture and ill-treatment and 16 psychological abuse, such as prolonged solitary confinement, mock executions and the threat of rape, along with physical abuse, including severe beatings, use of suspension and pressure positions, electroshock and burnings," it added. Obama was recently revealed by American and Arab officials to be growing closer to Iran and its terror proxies Hezbollah and Hamas, and also has reportedly been raising the centrifuge ceiling in an Iran deal, apparently as part of an eager desire to seal a deal.