The estate of Guma Aguiar, the Jewish philanthropist who disappeared off Fort Lauderdale in June, 2012, has been divided among his heirs by a Florida court, reports Yediot Aharonot . The court approved a compromise agreed upon by Aguiar's wife, Jamie, and his mother, Ellen, along with his sisters Adriana and Angelika. The sides had been in conflict over the estate, with each side claiming all of the estate for itself, and Jamie insisting at first that her husband was still alive. Jamie accused her mother-in-law of wanting to drive a wedge between her and Guma, while Ellen said that the reason Guma went out to sea on the day he disappeared was that he was distraught after Jamie told him she wants to divorce him . Jamie completely denies this version of events. Jamie Aguiar, who was represented by Attorney Efi Abramson, will receive the huge and ornate penthouse at the Mamila neighborhood, which was renovated and designed at a high cost. The mother, Ellen, and the two sisters, who were represented by Attorney Meir Heller, will receive eight homes that Aguiar owned in the Yemin Moshe neighborhood and the Jewish Quarter. An assessor estimated the worth of the eight properties at $27 million, while the penthouse was valued at $17 million. Aguiar's 15 other properties will be divided in the following manner: one third will go to Jamie, one third to Aguiar's four children and one third to Ellen Aguiar and her daughters. Attorney Heller, who will manage the estate, will be in charge of selling the properties. The Florida court is reportedly about to declare Guma Aguiar officially dead in the coming days. All sides in the case are to request an Israeli court to approve the compromise as well, according to Yediot Aharonot , which said the sides did not want to comment on the report. Guma Aguiar, a 35-year-old father of four, disappeared without a trace from aboard his 31-foot Jupiter motorboat. About six hours later, with lights on and nobody aboard, the boat ran aground on Fort Lauderdale beach. The U.S. Coast Guard abandoned its search for Aguiar after two days. He is presumed lost at sea. Aguiar gained sudden fame in Israel as a charismatic figure who was associated with the Israeli religious right wing and gave generously to Torah institutes and yeshivas. He also bought Jerusalem's Betar Yerushalayim soccer team.