Former MK Michael Ben-Ari, a founder of the Otzma Leyisrael party, on Monday announced that his nephew Hanan Ben-Ari released his debut single leading up to his first album, in what promises to be an outstanding musical career for the 26-year-old. Ben-Ari wrote and composed the song "Mimecha Ad Elay" (From You to Myself), which launches his solo career after previously performing in the musical performance "Mitbagrim" (Growing Up) which ran over 100 performances aiming to improve parent-child relationships. A rough translation of the new song's lyrics, which feature numerous references from the Jewish scriptures such as the Song of Songs, is as follows: I'm a turtle without a shell, you've removed my roof A fish without water, searching for you in vain Bitter like wine, trapped like a lion in a grate A cloud dripping water, I don't even get wet. I ran from you to myself - and I found nothing I stand at the door, and still don't dare knock. Autumn in my eyes, I wander like a vagabond A sign of Cain on my forehead, searching for you in vain In the field for now, you're dressed as a simple person Without a cloak, without heaven, hidden G-d unseen. I ran from you to myself - and I found nothing You're on the other side of the door, trying to stay quiet. Don't hide your face from me, you were my hope For I am sick with love, don't hide your face. I ran from you to myself - and I found nothing I stand at the door, and still don't dare knock I ran from you to myself - and I found nothing Roar at the doorstep, you suddenly emerge.