As reports flood in of a hareidi coalition being eyed by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and even Yesh Atid head Yair Lapid , who ran on an anti-hareidi ticket, a new poll shows that a full 62% do not want to see the hareidi parties in the next coalition government. The poll, which was conducted by the Smith Institute for Hiddush , the liberal Movement for Religious Freedom and Equality, was reported by Walla! on Saturday. According to the results, 62% do not want to see a coalition with the hareidi parties Shas and United Torah Judaism (UTJ), and 74% oppose a new increase in the hareidi yeshiva budgets. Focusing in on Netanyahu's Likud party, the poll found that 57% of Likud voters oppose a coalition with the hareidi parties. Likewise 71% of Labor voters oppose joining with the hareidi parties, after reports that the party is also eyeing a coalition with them to replace Netanyahu. Breaking down the statistics even further, the poll revealed 76% of secular voters oppose a government with the hareidim, as opposed to 66% of "traditional" Jews and 80% of new immigrants. Perhaps unsurprisingly, 95% of hareidi voters want the hareidi parties in the government. According to recent polls, Shas can expect nine seats , and UTJ would get five. The Smith poll was conducted last Wednesday among 500 citizens representing a mix of the Jewish population.