A warrant from a raid by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) was recently revealed by QMI Agency, showing that one of Canada's largest Muslim organizations provided funds to a charity linked with the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza.
The organization, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), is based in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga, and runs 20 Islamic schools nationwide, in addition to 15 mosques. Those schools and mosques are located in major urban centers, such as Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, reports the Toronto Sun.
QMI recently obtained the police warrant from a raid last April 28 on IRFAN-Canada, which is a listed terrorist organization charity group also based in Mississauga. In the raid, police seized data as well as videos that "demonize Israel."
In the 113-page warrant, the police revealed "the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) provided $296,514 between 2001 and 2010" to IRFAN-Canada.
MAC, which has a total of land and building assets in Canada nearly equaling $31 million, claimed on its website that it "has no organizational link or affiliation with other organizations," a claim that the raid apparently debunked.
A day after the IRFAN-Canad raid last April the group was declared a terrorist group due to the police findings, which revealed the organization between 2005 and 2009 "transferred approximately $14.6-million worth of resources to various organizations associated with Hamas."
IRFAN-Canada's lawyer Yavar Hameed refused to comment on Tuesday, according to the Canadian paper, which noted the organization is still fighting the definition as a terrorist group in court.
While MAC has outwardly presented a generally moderate front, it has supported the Muslim Brotherhood, of which Hamas is an offshoot, and which Egypt has blacklisted as a terrorist organization.
The organization's website used to list Muslim Brotherhood founder Imam Hassan al-Bann as a key influence on it, until its links to Hamas began to come out last year, and then the statement was changed.