France's justice minister, Christiane Taubira, on Tuesday said her government has dismantled about 15 terrorist networks as part of its wide-ranging campaign to eradicate terrorism within the country's borders, The Associated Press (AP) reported.
Speaking to an open meeting of the UN Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee, Taubira said that following last month's attacks on the Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper and a kosher supermarket, international action is essential to combat the increase in terrorist attacks.
She added that France is looking at the sophisticated propaganda, indoctrination and methods used to recruit terrorists, including social media and video games.
France is also reinforcing measures to fight against racism and xenophobia, to protect victims and witnesses, and to help people who agree to become informers, Taubira said.
France has continued to crack down on terrorism amid ever growing concerns over radicalized Muslims who go to the Middle East to fight alongside terrorist groups there, then bring back jihad to their home countries.
On Sunday, French police detained six people suspected of recruiting potential jihadists, just days after another operation saw five charged on similar grounds.
A week earlier, French police arrested eight people suspected of involvement in a network that allegedly sent people to Syria to wage jihad.
European Muslims have reportedly flocked to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria. This also includes France, where over 1,000 citizens are predicted to have joined ISIS. Shockingly enough, those recruits include several Jewish girls who apparently converted to Islam.