While Arab assailants have long been desecrating the Mount of Olives Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem, said to be the oldest still-in-use cemetery in the world, shocking video footage reveals that for the Jewish holiday of Purim last Friday (in Jerusalem) they went farther than usual in trashing Jewish graves. Jerusalem Councilman Arieh King on Tuesday posted video documenting the damage, which was filmed by Jo shua Wander, a dual Israeli and American citizen who has run as a republican candidate for mayor of Pittsburgh. The video reveals smashed headstones, some with the Hebrew writing clearly visible (to watch click on the image below). King addressed the video to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who recently released a new campaign video last week showing him playing Monopoly and ardently refusing to give up on Jerusalem. The councilman previously criticized the video, calling Netanyahu the " greatest conceder " of Jerusalem. "To the most famous Monopoly player in Israel who declared he won't give up on a single neighborhood of Jerusalem, and will keep our eternal capital unified, how do you explain this shocking video filmed five days ago at the Jewish cemetery on Mount of Olives?" posed King. The councilman, who also is founder and director of the Israel Land Fund (ILF), continued "as a resident of Mount of Olives the only explanation I have for this video is: the government of Israel led by the Monopoly player binds the hands of Jerusalem police officers." "I was at the site (of the cemetery) when it happened, and I heard from officers who stood at a distance of dozens of meters from the area of the pogrom," said King, noting he heard "their complaints against the prohibition on opening fire, the prohibition on pursuing." "Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to divide Jerusalem years ago, now we are dealing with the result of his success in implementing his policies," he concluded. King has previously criticized Netanyahu for forbidding entry to eight Jerusalem neighborhoods for Jews since he took power in 2009, and freezing Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem. According to the councilman Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat is complicit in the developments in the capital by allowing rampant illegal Arab building, as is Jerusalem Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) for turning a blind eye to the issue.