Two polls that received very little fanfare were released late last month, and found that the majority of Christian and Jewish Canadians think Islam is "irreconcilable" with the West - it also found 42% of Canadian Muslims agree with that assessment. The polls, conducted by Leger Marketing, were published in the Vancouver Sun and found 63% of Protestants, 62% of Jews and 60% of Catholics felt Islam cannot coexist with Western culture. That assessment was shared by 46% of non-religious Canadians, and in a large admission, by 42% of Muslims who felt their religion cannot be reconciled with the country they live in. A full 2,000 participants were questioned in the poll, and of them 500 were born outside Canada. The polling took place in 2013 and 2014. "It’s quite disconcerting that our poll results consistently show about 60% of Canadians see the West and Islamic society as ‘irreconcilable.’ It puts you up against a dead end,” Jack Jedwab, vice-president of the Association for Canadian Studies that commissioned the polls, told the paper. Jedwab admitted the threat perceived from Islam "is a huge blow to interfaith dialogue." Also responding to the video was journalist Ezra Levant on Rebel Media . According to Levant, the high figures doubting Islam's compatibility with the West are likely higher in 2015 given recent attacks and the continuing rise of Islamic State (ISIS).