A new crowdfunding campaign, arriving just in time for Yom Haatzmaut [Israel's independence day], looks to "tell the story of Zionism" through a series of 100 short animated clips. The project, entitled "Zionism in Animation," sees itself as a way to "inform and educate" Jews around the world about the history and culture of the Jewish state, in the hopes of strengthening their connection to both Judaism and Israel. Telling the story of Zionism in an "attention-grabbing way" is the primary goal of the project created by Jerusalem-based Rogatka animation stuio owner Shlomo Blass. Accorging to Zionism in Animation's website, many Jews do not know enough about the return to their homeland, and particularly with the digital revolution, animated content fills a gaping hole in engaging Millennials in Zionist education. Starting with 3 clips, each 2-3 minutes apiece, the project hopes to extensively cover "major events, concepts, individuals, and places in the Zionist story." The first clip depicts Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, declaring the Jewish state on 5 Iyar 5708 [May 14, 1948]. It should be available online by Yom Haatzmaut, which begins Wednesday night. Donations to the project can be given here: http://jewcer.com/project/zionism-in-animation