MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint Arab List) is taking her recent, court-sanctioned reelection and using it to do what she does best - attack the Jewish state. And this time, globally. Zoabi will be the featured speaker at an anti-Israel event sponsored by the New York University (NYU) chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Entitled "Israeli Racism and Apartheid: An Insider's View - A Talk with Parliament Member Haneen Zoabi," the event will take place this coming Friday night at 8 p.m. in Manhattan for students and interested parties alike. Described by SJP as a "Palestinian citizen of Israel and a feminist paliementarian," Zoabi will give what the student club describes as an insider perspective on the "Israeli Apartheid" experienced by "Palestinian citizens." Despite this so-called "apartheid," it is ironic that Zoabi, who, whether she admits it or not , comes to NYU as a representative of the Israeli Knesset, is speaking about discrimination in that same country. Zoabi, who was almost barred from running in elections for the 20th Knesset, until the High Court overturned the Elections Committee's ban, has a l ong history of radical anti-Israel statements made during her tenure as MK. Among other things she has said that Israelis have “ no right to a normal life ,” and that “the Israeli occupation” was behind the murder of Israelis in Bulgaria. She has also declared that Israel should "thank her" for allowing Jews to live in the Jewish state. SJP, like Zoabi, is no stranger to radicalism when it comes to getting its points across. The sponsors of "Israeli Apartheid Week" on American college campuses, last April, SJP's NYU branch slid mock eviction notices under students' doors, allegedly to show how Arab residents of Judea and Samaria are treated. The fliers were slid under the doors of the heavily-Jewish Palladium dormitories - against an explicit ban on the practice as part of university policy. A student at NYU noted that Palladium has a very high Jewish student population and that it is the only dormitory with a Shabbat elevator, giving the incident even more ominous anti-Semitic undertones.