Former President Shimon Peres's reputation for "spreading peace" in the Middle East apparently has not made an impression on pro-Palestinian political circles in Morocco, where opposition to an upcoming visit has sparked calls for his arrest. Peres is due to visit Rabat from May 5-7, as a guest of the Clinton Global Initiative conference to be convened in the city of Marrakech; the conference marks a gathering of politicians, leaders, and think tanks trying to solve the world's major political, social, and economic crises. Local Facebook groups have branded Peres a "war criminal," and have called on authorities in Rabat to prevent him from entering the country. The Moroccan pro-Palestinian organization "National Action Group for Palestine" announced that it is employing lawyers to submit a former request to the General Prosecutor to prevent Peres from stepping foot on Moroccan soil. The group deems Peres "a child killer" and has labeled him as a 'terrorist' for serving in the Israeli government and "Judaizing" Jerusalem. His entering Morocco, they claim, would constitute a "crime against Palestine, a blight against the honor of Morocco, a provocation against Moroccans and an insult to the martyrs."