Israelis appear to have been banned from buying tickets to see the Paris St. Germain soccer team in action, NRG reported Sunday night. The discovery was made by an Israeli couple planning a trip to Paris who wanted to attend a game – and could not find a listing for Israeli orders on the group's ticket ordering web site. Guy Schleider of Ramat Gan perused the team's web site and went to the ticket buying area, where a drop-down list allowed residents of countries around the world to choose their home countries where tickets would be sent to. Included on that list are the “occupied Palestinian territories,” as the site describes Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of Judea and Samaria – but not Israel, which was nowhere to be found on the list. Schleider told the site that he later discovered why: the owner of Paris St. Germain is Sheikh Nasser al-Khalifi of Qatar, who is chairman of the company that owns the French team, as well as Barcelona's soccer club. Contacted by NRG, French parliament member Meir Haviv said that he was very surprised to hear about Israel's exclusion from the sales list, and that he planned to act to change that immediately. “If Israelis can truly not purchase tickets, this is outright discrimination, and is illegal,” he said. “This is a very important issue. I am a big fan of sports in general and soccer in particular. This cannot be allowed to continue.” In the case of Paris St. Germain, he added, Jews in the past have been great supporters of the club, and were involved in its management. The club has not yet responded to requests for comment.