Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor sent a letter to the UN Security Council on Tuesday demanding action, after four Arab terrorists from Syria breached Israeli territory on Sunday night and placed an explosive on the Golan Heights border before being eliminated by the IDF. After briefly describing the incident, Prosor wrote, "Israel holds the Syrian government responsible for all attacks originating from its territory. In recent months, the Syrian government has allowed terrorists to use its territory as a launching base to plant roadside bombs, fire rockets into Israel, and open fire on IDF forces inside Israel." A report on Monday revealed that two of the four Arab terrorists were the sons of an Israeli Druze , a man from the Golan Druze town of Majdal Shams which is loyal to Syria who fled to the country in the 1980s after having been jailed in Israel for terrorism. "I have repeatedly warned about the growing threat in northern Israel. In my remarks last week to the Security Council, I described how Hezbollah, backed by Iran, is openly operating in the Golan Heights and preparing for a violent confrontation with Israel," Prosor added. Aside from Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS) forces are battling on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, with their fighting threatening to spill over onto Israel's doorstep. That spillover was seen as two mortar rounds hit the Golan on Tuesday from Syria. "The international community can no longer ignore the warning signs," stated Prosor. "The threat to our region is very real. Israel will not accept any attacks on its territory and it will exercise its right to self-defense and take all necessary measures to protect its population." The ambassador stressed, "I urge the Security Council to immediately and unequivocally condemn this attack and demand that the Syrian Government abide by its obligations under international law." Prosor asked for his letter to be distributed as an official Security Council document, adding that copies were sent to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.