In an ironic turn of events, the radical leftist Israeli singer Achinoam Nini , known abroad as Noa, who has been accused of delegitimizing Israel on the world stage, on Sunday announced protesters in Spain had called to boycott her. Her Facebook post announcing the incident included pictures, showing the protesters with signs calling to boycott Israel and Nini, as well as a picture distributed by boycotters that had a large red "X" through her face. "We're in Spain, we had a wonderful performance this evening, but the protest calling to boycott us and Israel was very troubling," wrote the leftist singer. "It was hard to get over it but we succeeded, and the Spanish non-Jewish crowd which filled the hall gave us a lot of support and love." She added, "it's important that you see these pictures. Unfortunately this happens a lot." The post evidently caused many to find irony in the situation, given that Nini has called to establish a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem, and has been virulently anti-Israeli in saying the claims of the Palestinian Arabs to the land are more valid. The most popular comment responding to her post, which garnered nearly 750 likes, read, "I hope you're aware that you're among the leaders of the protest against Israel, and it's coming back at you like a boomerang!" In favor of censorship? Evidently Nini was irked by the outpouring of comments pointing out the irony of the protest, leading her to write a stern note on Facebook on Monday. She began by blaming the call for her boycott on the state of Israel, saying "the strengthening of the boycott movement, which I oppose as a method of solving the problem, is a direct result of the peace-refusing policy of Israel, and has no connection to anti-Semitism or to peace-advocate singers." Nini also called on those commenting to censor themselves out of fear that their words might not find favor with people around the world. "Know that your ugly posts are translated and read by tens of thousands of people around the world, among them opinion leaders in the international community, who tensely follow this page with curiosity," she claimed. Sarcastically she continued, "I believe that their opinion of Israel is really, really improving by reading how citizens of the democratic, tolerant and so very just Israel wish upon a peace-advocate Israeli singer death by suffering, a free ticket to hell and to Auschwitz, and all the rest of these niceties." "And therefore think twice (even once is good) before you write," concluded the leftist singer on a touchy tone.