Arutz Sheva was on the scene Thursday as New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) was arrested in Manhattan during a protest against the Iran nuclear deal signed last Tuesday. Hikind was arrested together with eight other Jewish protesters who lay on the pavement in front of the office of Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), in an attempt to press the senator through civil disobedience not to support the Iran deal; reportedly Schumer is considering to support the deal . Hikind and others chanted "Schumer be a shomer ," using the Hebrew term for a guard or protector. They also called for Chuck (Schumer) to "chuck the deal." "We have been called on to act an d now is not the time to remain silent," said Hikind. "We’re pleading with Senator Schumer to step up and lead this fight. Schumer’s voice is critical, with other senators looking towards him to take a stance. I see millions of people in Iran chanting ‘Death to America, Death to Israel’ and we’re negotiating with this regime? It’s insane." “We’ve listened to Senator Schumer for years and how he takes every opportunity to explain the origin of his name Schumer and what it means for him to be a proud shomer - which in Hebrew means protector. From your time as Congressman to one of the most powerful members of the Senate, Senator Schumer, you have repeatedly called yourself our shomer . Now is the time to live up to your claim and put your words into action. We need you to demonstrate leadership on one of the most critical foreign policy issues of our time. Be our protector and stop this terrible deal." Hikind concluded, "Schumer says he will 'do the right thing.' These are unprecedented times and it’s time to stop this deal, which is disastrous for America and our allies in the Middle East. This will define your legacy. I am sure you will not allow partisan politics or any other considerations to cloud your judgment." Schumer's support may be critical as the deal now is under a 60-day Congressional review, at the end of which a vote will be held. US President Barack Obama has already vowed to veto Congress if it opposes the deal, although if Congress were able to muster a 2/3 majority it could overrule the veto. It has been argued the review process was counterproductive , and had the deal been treated as a foreign treaty, opponents of the deal would have had better odds to block it. Dov Hikind and other activists being arrested Arutz Sheva The protest and arrest Courtesy Dov Hikind's office New York has been the scene of strong opposition to the Iran deal; just this Wednesday roughly 10,000 Americans protested in iconic Times Square. At the event, former Republican New York Governor George Pataki said, "we're here as Americans to speak with one voice to say stop Iran now, reject this deal. This is a God-awful deal, this must be rejected. Congress must do its job and stand up for the American people, stand up for our safety and say no to this Iranian deal." Opposition to the deal has focused on several worrying points, among them the way it ignores Iran's key nuclear installations where its nuclear weapons testing is said to be being held, stipulates that the West will train Iran to block sabotage on its nuclear program, lifts the UN arms embargo on Iran, and lifts sanctions against its top terror commander . Key Iranian figures have responded by saying they won't let international inspectors visit their covert military sites where nuclear weapons testing reportedly is occurring, and stating that the deal makes Iranians hate America "100 times more." Critics warn Iran, the leading state sponsor of terror, can either wait ten years for limitations in the deal to expire and then use advanced IR-8 centrifuges to race to a nuclear arsenal, or else cheat the deal and obtain a nuclear weapon before inspectors finish the 24-day waiting period before actually inspecting sites.