Canadian Minister of National Defense and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney has released an official statement commemorating Tisha B'Av. The statement, which was published yesterday (Friday) invited his fellow citizens to remembering the way Jews have been mistreated. Following an explanation of the history and customs of the fast day, Kenney wrote: "On Tisha B’av, Jewish communities around the world will fast and pray to remember these historical wrongs on what is considered the ‘saddest day in Jewish history.' "Tomorrow I will join with the Jewish community in remembering and mourning the oppression, violence, and suffering that the Jewish people have experienced throughout history, and I encourage all Canadians to do the same." Kenney has expressed his support for Israel numerous times in the past. In 2006 he compared Hezbollah to the Nazi Party during the 1930s. In 2009 he traveled to Jerusalem and spoke about his efforts to remove government funding for BDS organizations.