Hundreds of Jews have flooded to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem - Judaism's holiest site - on Sunday, in honor of the Tisha B'Av fast mourning the Temple's destruction. Among the activists present is Temple Mount rights activist Yehuda Glick, who spoke passionately at the scene about one day returning the Jews to the Mount, and the tragedy of the fact that Jews are discriminated against there. "We have to cry not only over the First and Second Temple, but also over the Third Temple, which we don't yet have," Glick stated. The Temple Mount: Ancient destruction, modern-day hardship The Jordanian Waqf retains de facto control of the Mount even since its liberation in the 1967 Six Day War, and it has forbidden Jews from praying at the site despite Israeli law ensuring freedom of worship. Arabs have repeatedly tried to erase the Jewish nature of the site, where the First and Second Temples stood, by destroying ancient Jewish artifacts and building illegally . Arab riots are also frequent on the Mount, as is incitement against Jews. Just Friday, the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership called on Muslims across the world to use "all means necessary" to prevent "extremist settlers" from ascending the Mount, directly inciting to violence against Jews who attempt to visit the site on Tisha B'Av.