Representative Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on Tuesday introduced H.J.Res. 64, legislation that would prevent the implementation of the Obama administration’s nuclear agreement with Iran.
“I wish the Obama Administration had negotiated a verifiable, enforceable, and accountable agreement,” Royce said in a statement after introducing the bill.
“While a tremendous amount of effort was put into these negotiations, the result falls well short of this standard,” he continued. “That’s the only conclusion I can come to after dozens of hearings with independent experts who have expressed extreme misgivings about this deal, especially the lifting of the arms embargo on Iran’s ICBM program. The agreement gives Iran permanent sanctions relief, but in exchange only temporarily restrains Iran’s nuclear program.”
“If this agreement goes through,” warned Royce, “Iran gets a cash bonanza, a boost to its international standing, and a lighted path toward nuclear weapons. By granting sweeping sanctions relief, we have lessened our ability to challenge Iran’s conduct across the board. As Iran grows stronger, we will be weaker to respond.”
“Yes, passage of this legislation would roil some diplomatic waters. But the U.S. still wields the most powerful economic sanctions in the world – sanctions Iran desperately needs relief from – sanctions that would continue to deter countries and companies from investing in Iran,” he added.
“I do not relish in introducing this consequential legislation. But the consequences for global security from this agreement are too great. This deal gives up too much, too fast, to a terrorist state – making the world less safe, less secure, and less stable,” concluded Royce.
Congress is currently reviewing the deal that was reached last month between Iran and six world powers and has until September 17 to accept or reject it.
Republicans have objected to the deal as not tough enough to prevent Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon in the long run, while several Democrats have expressed support.
Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, has urged her colleagues to back the nuclear agreement with Iran.
On the flip side, House Speaker John Boehner vowed to "do everything possible" to stop the deal between Iran and nuclear powers from being approved by Congress.
President Barack Obama has threatened to veto any legislation passed by Congress blocking the deal, but Representative Peter Roskam (R-IL) said on Monday he was confident a new Congressional resolution calling to end the Iran nuclear deal would secure the support of two-thirds of lawmakers, thus rendering Obama unable to veto it.