Sources in Gaza claim they witnessed what appeared to be a “rescue” of two families from Gaza, with the IDF ferrying approximately ten Gazan Arabs through the border fence at Khan Yunis in southern Gaza into Israel, a report on news site NRG said. Once on the Israeli side, the Arabs were quickly ushered into IDF jeeps and driven away. Among the group were what appeared to be two families - two couples, and a number of children and infants. The families were not under arrest, but appeared to be leaving Gaza voluntarily - and quickly. The “rescue” was apparently witnessed by Hamas terrorists, who attempted to storm the border fence. IDF forces opened fire on the terrorists as they approached the fence. Islamic Jihad operatives also claimed they witnessed the incident, NRG reported. Palestinian sources assert there were phone conversations between the families and an Israeli contact prior to the mission. The IDF has not commented on the incident. Media pundits speculate that the families may have been helping Israel with intelligence information, and were rescued when they were “burned" - about to be arrested by Hamas forces for aiding Israel. IDF sources say there has been a dramatic upswing in the number of Gazans seeking shelter in Israel. There is no shortage of Gazans seeking to provide Israel with intelligence, the sources said, because many see such deals as their “ticket” out of Gaza, which has become much more oppressive since the end of Operation Protective Edge. According to the army, there has also been a huge increase in the number of Gazans seeking to sneak into Israel. Almost all are arrested within a few hundred meters of the border fence, and are usually returned to Gaza – although, say officials, many of them beg to be allowed to remain in Israel, according to the NRG report.