Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will not be defeated by the ongoing wave of terrorist attacks, primarily stabbing, in a statement at the start of his address from the Knesset plenum. "Terrorism will not defeat us," the PM vowed. "Time after time we have defeated terror, and this time as well we will succeed in defeating it. We are acting against the terrorists on all fronts." "I say to the enemies of Israel: You have not succeeded in the past, and you will not succeed in destroying the State of Israel!" "I have ordered a massive bolstering of security forces, we have added brigades in Judea-Samaria, we have mobilized many squadrons of border police to Jerusalem and throughout the country," Netanyahu added, and told MKs he was acting to ban the extremist Islamic Movement which has been inciting and organizing much of the violence. "We are taking the initiative, destroying the terrorists' houses, acting against the inciters, deploying undercover officers, conducting arrests... And we are working to outlaw the Islamic Movement. "We have known terrorist attacks before and after the establishment of the State of Israel," he continued. "The terrorism does not stem from frustration over the lack of progress in the diplomatic process," Netanyahu continued. "The motive of the terror is to destroy us. That was the objective of terrorism from the first days of Zionism, and that is its objective in our days as well. Netanyahu also took aim at Arab MKs for their role in inciting violence and justifying attacks, and for denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism. "The followers of Husseini claim today with utter insolence that Jews have no connection to this holy place," he said, referring to the former Mufti of Jerusalem and founder of "Palestinian nationalism," Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who famously forged a pact with Adolf Hitler. "They say that Jews 'defile' the Mount. They repeat again and again the lie that we intend to destroy the Al Aqsa Mosque, or to change the status-quo at the site. Utter lies." The truth, he noted, is "entirely the opposite: We are committed to the status quo on the Temple Mount. We strictly protect the holy sites." Netanyahu took aim at Joint List MK Basel Ghattas, who justified the double murder of Eitam and Naama Henkin in front of their children, by saying that "they were settlers and not innocent." "Regrettably, within the borders of the State of Israel it is not just the Islamic Movement which incites, and I think it is impossible to deal with this matter without saying this. "Two young parents, Naama and Eitam Henkin, were slaughtered in front of their young children. One of those sitting here, the Members of this house, said 'the Henkin couple were settlers. You can't relate to them as innocent civilians.' What does that mean? That it is permitted to murder them? That it was permitted to murder Nehemia Lavi and Aharon Banita, and hundreds of thousands of other Israeli citizens? Netanyahu was speaking in the aftermath of three successive terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, which left several people wounded, including a 13-year-old child. The most recent attack took place in the northern neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev, and was carried out by two Arab teenagers. Two people were wounded in that attack: a 25-year-old man in serious condition and a 13-year-old boy who is currently fighting for his life in critical condition. One of the terrorists was killed and the other was wounded and arrested. Less than an hour prior to that attack, a border police officer was lightly in a similar stabbing attack in Jerusalem. The female terrorist who carried it out was shot dead and a suspected accomplice was arrested. On Monday morning, an Arab terrorist was shot dead as he attempted to stab border police in Jerusalem's Old City.