CCTV cameras recorded stage-by-stage the prolonged, brutal stabbing spree by two young Palestinian Arab boys on Monday in Jerusalem, as the pair tore through the northern neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev armed with large knives, seriously injuring two people including a 13-year-old child. The footage shows how the pair first pounced on a 25-year-old man, stabbing him repeatedly and leaving him seriously wounded. They can then be seen running through the streets, eventually ending up outside a grocery store, where they attacked and critically injured their second victim a 13-year-old Jewish boy riding his bicycle. The attackers themselves were minors - cousins aged 15 and 13 from Beit Hanina. The younger attacker was taken into police custody after being hit by a car and seriously wounded, while his older cousin was shot dead as he charged police wielding a massive knife - in a dramatic scene captured vividly in the latest footage.