As the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Friday to discuss the wave of Arab terror in Israel, Israel's soon-to-be-accredited new A mbassador to the UN Danny Danon made his premier, d irectly excoriating Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. Danon asserted that Abbas and the entire Palestinian leadership are "brainwashing children with incitement and hate.” In what was a rare Israeli direct attack on Abbas, Danon traced the recent wave of terror exactly to Abbas’ recent incendiary incitement, noting that “since President Abbas made his hate-filled speech (last month) and outrageously claimed that the Jews desecrate the Temple Mount with their ' dirty feet ,' we have seen a sharp increase in violence against Israeli civilians.” Danon opened by stating, “we don’t need another general meeting about the situation in the Middle East. What we do need is for this council to convene a meeting on the dangerous incitement led by President Abbas.” Then, Danon took dead-aim at the United Nations when he observed that Israeli “babies, children, men and women are being targeted every day. Israelis are being stabbed, bombed, run-over and stoned, yet this council remains silent.” Danon then dropped his bombshell of truth on the UN Security Council. “On Monday, a Palestinian boy attacked an Israeli boy who was riding his bike, stabbing him no less than 15 times. Let me repeat: 15 times! The victim is still hospitalized in critical condition. "Ask yourselves, why would a 13-year-old boy decide to go on a stabbing spree and try to take another boy’s life? The answer is that such acts of terror do not occur in a vacuum. "When a Palestinian child turns on a TV, he doesn’t see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes. When he opens a textbook, he doesn’t learn about math and science, he’s being taught to hate.” To make his point graphically, Danon used a picture to show what Palestinian children are actually “taught” at school: to stab Jews to death. He then continued, saying, "this picture you see here is an example of the kind of messages that Palestinian children are being exposed to day in and day out. The picture gives children elaborate instructions on how to stab a Jew. We talk about a lot about incitement – here you see what Palestinian incitement looks like. "This picture is what is being taught in middle schools! Instead of educating about peace and tolerance, the Palestinian leadership is brainwashing children with incitement and hate. "Palestinian leaders have established an incubator to raise children as terrorists.” The envoy concluded by saying Israel rejected any international presence on the Temple Mount as violating the “status quo.” In short, Danon’s message to the United Nations was: “I want to say to the international community and to the Security Council: 'if you are serious about promoting peace; if you are truly committed to advancing co-existence in our region – make a clear statement against the incitement that fuels terror. Support direct negotiations.” "Only yesterday," he noted, "Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his willingness to meet with the Palestinian leadership and resume peace talks immediately without preconditions, in order to bring calm to the region. How did the Palestinians respond? Did they grab the opportunity to engage in direct talks with Israel? No. Did they offer to drive the 20 minutes between Ramallah and Jerusalem to meet? No. Instead, they called on the Security Council to hold this emergency meeting." After connecting Abbas's "dirty feet" speech to the sharp increase in terror, he said: "The tide of terror is washing over the entire nation; it spares no one." Judging by his UN debut, Ambassador Danon is shaping up to be a power voice for speaking truth to the international halls of power, in a place where lies are usually heard.