Palestinian Arabs are continuing their incitement to terrorism against Israel. The latest example, posted to the internet by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), shows a professor at the Islamic University of Gaza who said in a televised interview that all Jews in Israel - including women - are “fair game”. The interview with Dr. Subhi Al-Yaziji, Dean of Quranic Studies at the Islamic University, aired on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV . In it, he also called for terrorist attacks everywhere in Israel, including in its largest cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa. “All Jews in Palestine today are fair game - even the women. Every single Jew in Palestine is a combatant, even the children,” said the professor, who claimed that Israelis “train their children to use tanks and various kinds of weapons.” He continued, “The military operations and the bombings should be carried out in the very heart of the enemy - in Haifa, Jaffa, Tel Aviv and Hadera - as was the case in the past, because that is what hurts the Jews.” The Islamic University is considered a stronghold of Hamas and, according to Israeli intelligence, Hamas uses it to develop its rocket arsenal. The university was in 2012 the site of a speech made by Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal during a visit to Gaza. In that speech, Mashaal praised Hamas’s targeting of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with rockets during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense which preceded his visit to Gaza. Despite the connection to Hamas, the International Committee of the Red Cross cooperated with the university in holding an international conference on the subject of international humanitarian law in light of Islamic Sharia. MEMRI has exposed endless instances of Palestinian incitement against Israel, both on the part of Hamas as well as Fatah, which the West claims is a “moderate peace partner” for Israel. One example of incitement uncovered by MEMRI came earlier this week in the form of a leading Islamist cleric, who vowed on Hamas’s official television that the terrorist group would "not leave a single Jew, dead or alive... on the land of Islam and the Muslims."