
Uriel and Sigal Sofer, residents of Nitzan in the south, were traveling in their family car last Friday afternoon, to spend the Sabbath in Beit El, north of Jerusalem. The parents sat in the front and their children, Tair, 11, Matan, 10, and Tahel, 3, were in the back. Two other daughters took a bus to Beit El.

"Friday at about five o'clock," recounted Sigal, "we were about one kilometer from Beit El, on the way to spend the Sabbath at my husband's sister's home, and right before the bend, two murderers awaited us on the hill. Their faces were covered, my husband got a glimpse of them. As we passed, they threw two firebombs at the car.

"The firebombs smashed the rear windshield where Tahel was sitting. They fell on Tahel's seat and immediately, everything was burning. Tahel's dress, Tahel herself, her hair. The two children who were sitting next to her were also a little burned. My husband kept going a little to get away, and we stopped the car. It was frightening to see Tahel and everything else burning, and we were afraid that the car would also catch fire and explode. We got out of the car and pulled the seat out and we took her clothes off and put out the fire. We checked that Matan and Tair were also OK. We put out the fire on Tahel and seconds later the military was there and started to take care of Tahel.  

"It's such a nightmare, to see your child burning. For children to see their sister burning. It's very frightening. All we wanted to do is to put out the fire."

Sigal was attacked by terrorists in 2004, as well, in Gush Katif. She was stabbed multiple times but survived.