A group of 71 British physicians have begun to exert pressure on the World Medical Association (WMA) to revoke the membership of the Israel Medical Association (IMA), it was revealed in a Knesset meeting on Wednesday. IMA representative Dr. Ze'ev Feldman announced the disturbing new step during a Knesset Science and Technology Committee meeting on the subject of boycotts against Israeli academic institutions. "The sword of the boycott has been raised against the scientific medical community in Israel," he declared, warning that Israel’s medical doctors are “in grave danger." "The professional British journals have adopted the idea of letters to the editor that libel Israel doctors," he added. "They claim our doctors perform medical torture on Palestinian patients.” Committee chairman MK Uri Maklev (United Torah Judaism) blasted the efforts of the anti-Israel British doctors, noting that "the phenomenon of academic boycotts is spreading and is connected to the economic and consumer boycotts against Israel. MK Nachman Shai (Zionist Union) said he too was "troubled by the fact that the BDS movement never stops, and we constantly discover new developments. While the Israeli government is yet to discover a solution for it.” Likud MK Anat Berko noted that the Israel boycott movement doesn't discriminate against different political opinions, saying that "even when left-wing lecturers speak abroad, their lectures get blown up. It’s because they’re Jewish, no matter their political belief.” Tellingly, the revelation occurred on the same day British police were called to London university after a violent riot by anti-Israel activists erupted over a speech being given by the left-leaning former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon.