
Two women in Raqqa, Syria, have cooperated with Swedish tabloid Expressen in videotaping their lives under ISIS, using hidden cameras they concealed under their niqabs.

They knew they would be stoned to death if they were exposed, but were willing to risk their lives in order “to help the rest of the world understand,” according to the newspaper.

They were identified only as Umm Umran and Umm Muhammad.

The video shows female members of the Hisbah sharia police patrolling the streets, where sharia is so strict that even women’s faces on hair dye packages are inked out. “All women love to show their faces,” said Umm Muhammad. “We’ve lost our femininity.”

When they get into a taxi, they strike up a conversation with the driver, who tells them that he is not allowed to take an unaccompanied woman, and would be punished with 30 lashes if he did.

ISIS stormed al-Raqqa two years ago. Since then, the city has been occupied by the Islamist force and many of its buildings serve as homes for foreign fighters, most of them from Saudi Arabia.

Public executions have become commonplace, and after the person is shot to death, he is decapitated and his head put on a spike in the main traffic circle, or his body is placed on the road and drivers made to run it over until nothing is left of it but the clothes.

ISIS terrorists are now reportedly gradually fleeing Raqqa. The video's narrators explained that often, the ISIS fighters will set up roadblocks and confiscate identification documents, which they then use in entering Turkey under false identities.

Dozens of people were reportedly killed in a series of air strikes on Raqqa Saturday, as Damascus and Moscow attacked areas controlled by ISIS.

Although there has been less fighting in Syria due to peace talks in Geneva, the deal being negotiated does not include al Qaeda or ISIS.

Russia has been withdrawing its fighter jets after announcing a partial pullout from Syria, where its air campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad has turned fighting in his favor.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that at least 39 people had been killed and dozens more wounded in the latest raids on Raqqa.