Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American activist who recently raised an uproar for her open support of rock-throwing terrorism against Israel, has been awarded over $500,000 by the City of New York. The activist, who is a longtime ally of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and has helped him get votes, has led the Arab-American Association of New York based in Brooklyn since 2005. Her organization was selected as one of 14 groups by the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York to receive $10 million over the course of the next five years so as to integrate mental-health services into community programs, reports the New York Post on Saturday. Sarsour is the daughter of Palestinian Arab immigrants. Last October she exposed her blatant anti-Israel bias during a Twitter debate with Queens Councilman Rory Lancman, who is Jewish. Following the decision to award Sarsour, Lancman told the New York Post that the move "bears scrutiny," but he is "reluctant" to take action against it because doing so may harm people who need services. In the Twitter war last October, Sarsour posted a picture of an Arab boy holding rocks in front of IDF soldiers, ready to throw them. She added the text: "The definition of courage." Rock-throwing terror attacks have proven lethal in several cases, such as the murder of infant Adele Biton and of 64-year-old grandfather Alexander Levlovitz . In response to Sarsour's tweet, Lancman wrote back: "No, the definition of barbarism." "City elected official attacking a constituent on foreign policy issue when they weren’t asked. Welcome to NYC Council," shot back the Arab activist, to which Lancman wrote, "you must be especially proud of the 13-yr-old Palestinian who stabbed the 13-yr-old Israeli." Sarsour responded, "don’t put words in my mouth. Shame on you. Using my tax payer $$ to attack people online. Go do your job." Then Sarsour branded the Councilman as a "Zionist troll," writing: "The Zionist trolls are out to play. Bring it. You will never silence me."