![Nitsana Darshan-Leitner](https://a7.org/files/pictures/781x439/636099.jpg)
The Israeli NGO Shurat HaDin, the Israel Law Center, on Sunday addressed Prime Minister and Minister of Communications Binyamin Netanyahu, demanding an immediate stop to the allocation of radio and television frequencies for Palestinians, due to incitement to murder Israelis and Jews.
According to a letter sent by Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat HaDin, the Israeli government distributes said frequencies under the Oslo Accords; however, radio and television broadcasts are used by the Palestinian Authority (PA) to encourage the current wave of terrorism and incitement to murder.
Incitement to murder is a violation of the PA's commitments under the Oslo agreements, and incitement to genocide is an offense under international law. Shurat HaDin are threatening to take the government to the High Court (Supreme Court) if they do not stop allocating frequencies immediately.
The letter further stated that a significant portion of terror in the recent wave of attacks is being incited directly by official PA radio and television, with leaders encouraging such attacks. This was illustrated when Murad Bader Abdullah Adais, the 16-year-old Arab terrorist who stabbed to death Dafna Meir at her home in Otniel, admitted that he was inspired to launch his murderous attack by Palestinian TV.
"It is inconceivable that the Israeli government will continue to allocate TV and Radio frequencies for Palestinians, who advocate killing Jews. In Rwanda, heads of television and radio which called for incitement to genocide were convicted of war crimes, but the Israeli government ignores this and does not take the obvious steps to prevent this,” said Darshan-Leitner.
“US and European Jewish communities successfully fought to close the Muslim propaganda broadcasts on radio and television (there), and only Israel lets it go. The government must adopt a zero tolerance policy for incitement to murder Jews and stop the allocation of frequencies immediately."