Less than 24 hours before the planned signing of a reconciliation agreement which would normalize relations between Israel and Turkey, a poll publicized by Channel 10 reveals that a majority of Israelis oppose the deal, which includes a $20 compensation fund for Turkish Hamas supporters killed after they attacked IDF soldiers in 2010. The agreement, which is scheduled to be signed on Tuesday, will be brought before the Israeli cabinet later this week for ratification. Some ranking cabinet members, including Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) have indicated they plan to oppose the deal. According to the Midgam poll, 56% of Israelis oppose the agreement, compared to just 33% who said they supported the deal. Critics of the agreement note that it lacks any binding provision requiring the return of the bodies of two fallen IDF soldiers, Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, who were killed by Hamas in 2014. Turkey, which maintains formal ties with the terror organization, has pledged to use its influence to help Israel recover the bodies from Hamas, but fell short of a formal obligation to do so. Among Israeli Jews support for the deal was even lower, with just 24% favoring the agreement, compared to 65% who opposed it. Israeli Arabs, on the other hand, overwhelmingly support the deal, with 72% favoring the agreement, compared to just 16% who opposed it. The vast majority of Israelis (67%) support the conditioning of the agreement on the return of not only the two fallen IDF soldiers from Hamas, but also two Israeli citizens being held captive by the terror organization. A mere 18% said such a condition was not necessary. Among Jews, 72% believe such a condition should be included, compared to 14% who said it should not. Among Israeli Arabs, 49% support such a requirement, compared to 36% who opposed it.