Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has suggested that it’s “worse” when Swedish men rape women, than when immigrants do so. “The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality. They make an active choice. It’s worse imo [in my opinion],” Sörman tweeted. Sörman, a self-described socialist and a feminist, made the observation in response to what she claimed was excessive media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants. She explained that Swedish men are brought up in a society that believes in gender equality and therefore should be held to higher standards than migrants, who come from cultures where women are treated as second-rate citizens. When faced with a storm of indignation, she tried to walk back the comments and admitted that her sentiments had been “clumsily expressed”. She later deleted her Twitter account altogether. 'Rape capital' Sweden is widely known as the rape capital of Europe. It has been noted that Muslim immigrants are massively over represented in the official rape statistics. Sweden has the fastest growing population in Europe, due nearly totally to the influx of Arabs and Muslims from the Middle East. At the same time, its crime rate has increased astronomically : In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. “77.6 percent of the country’s rapists are identified as “foreigners” (and that’s significant because in Sweden, ‘foreigner’ is generally synonymous with ‘immigrant from Muslim country’), wrote conservative columnist Selwyn Duke. ‘And even this likely understates the issue, since the Swedish government — in an effort to obscure the problem — records second-generation Muslim perpetrators simply as ‘Swedes.’” Conservative politicians who try to draw attention to this problem have been charged with hate crimes, while some Swedish rape victims are said to be reluctant to report sexual assaults to police because they fear it may “offend” the perpetrators. Ingrid Carlqvist – editor-in-chief of Dispatch International – has written that "Sweden is fast approaching a complete collapse. More and more municipalities are raising the alarm that if the migrants keep coming at this pace, the government can no longer guarantee normal service to its citizens... If the migrant wave keeps coming, in 10-15 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country."