Tens of thousands of boxes of breakfast cereal have been destroyed, following the discovery that a facility used to produce and package the cereal had been contaminated. According to a report by Yediot Ahronot , tens of thousands of boxes of Telma cornflakes and “Delipecan” cereal have been destroyed in recent days. The destruction of the contaminated cereal has led to shortages across supermarkets across Israel of the country’s two most popular breakfast cereals. Wednesday evening Unilever, the producer of Telma’s cornflakes and Delipecan lines, issued a statement on the matter, following a directive issued by the Health Ministry. “In response to queries we have received from the media and in light of the uncertainty created, we wish to clarify; that as part of a self-administered, routine quality control check performed by the company, secondary contamination was discovered in one of the production lines in a cereal factory, which resulted in a small number of products to fail to meet the companies rigorous microbiological standards. We therefore decided, on our own initiative, not to market these products.” Unilever was also quick to emphasize that those products which reached store shelves are not contaminated and that there is no need for a recall.