Officials in the Christian Action Network and the Clarion Project have been warned to be "on alert," as a Pakistani-rooted jihadist group in the U.S. prepares to defend against anticipated raids by the incoming Trump Administration. The jihadist organization, knownn as Muslims of America (MOA), has been instructed by its spiritual leader in Pakistan, Sheikh Jilani, to take measures against the expected raids on its some 22 compounds. These including having all unarmed members obtain firearms, licenses and hunting permits in order to resist the expected Trump Administration offensives. This news was shared with the Christian Action Network and with the Clarion Project by "multiple sources," Clarion reported. The sources also specifically warned Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Network and Ryan Mauro of the Clarion Project to be "on alert," as MOA members believe they are responsible for the forthcoming crackdown. Police have been informed of the threat as well. The preparations for armed confrontation are described as “self-defense measures,” but one of the sources cautioned that the group could decide to take “offensive” action if it believes armed conflict is imminent. Any action taken against MOA is seen by the group as part of a war on Islam, a situation it sees as a dispensation for violent jihad. Sheikh Julani was reported to have given instructions to “be prepared to fight,” and to stand by and “hear and obey” - language identical to the oath of allegiance members sign when they join the group. Why does MOA fear Trump so much? Its members believe that the President-elect is part of a satanic-Zionist conspiracy to destroy Islam, and that he is fulfilling apocalyptic End Times prophecies. MOA expects the FBI to reopen its cases against the group as home-grown terrorist organization. Previously known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra, MOA refers to its compounds as “Islamic villages,” with its headquarters in New York known as “Islamberg.” However, MOA membership is not confined to the camps and reported a peculiar scattering of members into areas of the U.S. that previously had no MOA presence. MOA members have a long history of terrorism, extremism and criminal activity including weapons trafficking, Clarion reports. A 2007 FBI report obtained by Ryan Mauro states: “The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the US Government.” It warned that MOA “possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns within the U.S. and overseas.”