Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, who previously refused to defend the Regulation Law against a petition filed against it in the High Court, is expected to appear at the Supreme Court hearing of the petition and argue against the law and the government's position. According to the Channel 2 report, is not yet clear whether Mandelblit will appear in person or settle for sending a messenger on his behalf. The government will be represented by a private attorney, and, according to some reports, by the Knesset Legal Adviser. Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel (Jewish Home) welcomed tonight the Knesset's passing of the Regulation Law and sent a strong message to the Supreme Court judges: "No one expects us to agree to the wanton destruction of 2,700 buildings. What will be said every week about another 17 buildings to be demolished? Enough is enough and this must be put in order," Ariel told Army Radio. For the past day Israel has withstood harsh world criticism following the approval of the regulation law. French President Francois Hollande met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and speculated that Jewish expansion paves the way for annexation, and even went so far as demanding that the Israeli government repeal the legislation. Abbas asserted that "the controversial law is an attack against our people and defies the international community. "We will continue working with international tribunals to maintain our existence and perpetuity on our land," he cautioned. "The international community must not allow the establishment of an apartheid regime in the West Bank". UN envoy to the Middle East Nikolay Mladenov disclosed earlier today that the Regulation Law's passage "crossed a red line" for the organization. British Minister for Middle East Affairs Tobias Ellwood cautioned: "It is worrying that the law paves the way for the expansion of settlements deep in the West Bank and threatens the two-state solution. The law damages Israel's position with its international partners."